
Read the following scripture:

John 1:1-14 | John 3:1-16



God loves His creation and most especially man. So, in an amazing act of grace, God prepared a wonderful plan to restore man back to a loving relationship with Himself.

The Bible records the account of God sending His only Son Jesus to live on earth as a man. Jesus came and lived a sinless life, then He suffered God's judgement for man's sin when He died on the cross. After three days, Jesus came back to life proving He had power over death and that He can give you life - because He is life. (John 14:6)

Today, Jesus offers you forgiveness for your sin and a life restored to peace and fellowship with God. 

God will not force you into a relationship with Him. In faith, you must choose to believe, repent, and follow God. You must trust God's solution to your sin problem. In Humility, acknowledge your sin to God and depend on Him to restore you to fellowship with Him. The same sins of pride, rebellion, and self-love that originally broke man's relationship with God still keep people today from receiving His wonderful gift of forgiveness and restoration. Jesus says unless you humble yourself as a child you cannot be saved.

1 John 1:9 

If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."



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